Project A, Journal Entry 1

Date: 7.3. 2023 


- Looked through 2D game dev kit

- Thought of an idea for the game

- Thought about specifics for the game and the needed details

- Thought about what needs to be included in the game design document, what details to include, and what details to omit since it is only meant to be one page.

- Started writing the document in Word.

- Switched to writing it by hand on iPad as it worked better for my vision.

- Finished the document

- Went to the library to print it


Apparently I made a mistake. As it was called a one page game design document, and I was not present in previous classes due to the waiting list, that is what I created. After seeing my classmates work and receiving feedback I understand it was supposed to be a one page specific level design and  not a general game design. I will re work on it and have it ready for next week  

Invested hours: 

Thinking about the idea: 1 hour

Writing the document: 1.5 hours

Printing it at the library: 10 minutes 


One-page game design document draft to present on the following practical

Get Project A


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Yes, please focus on one level and the general features of the game can be left as they are in the 2DGame Kit. Though it is good to note details like health, damage, range, etc. as these are variables that can be changed easily and can be very important to the level design. 

Also, for readability's sake, avoid handwritten notes. These are not your notes, this is work you present to others - so it's main point is clear, readable information. Focus on that when adding text and any other type of information into the document.