Journal Entry 1

Date: 6.3. 2023 


- Created project A and T on itch

- Installed correct version of Unity 

- emailed regarding missed practicals due to waiting list

- Downloaded and imported 2D Game Kit

- Read through all past lectures and practicals I have missed

- Read through all past instructions that I’ve missed

- Practiced what I do not know from practicals I have missed

- started to think about what to do for project A


I am hoping me missing some time at the start of the semester will not cause any issues. I do not feel as if I am missing something after doing some self learning on all lectures and practicals that I have missed. 

Invested hours: 

Installations: 1 hour

Self learning all missed materials: 1.5h

Doing self work from missed practicals: 4 hours


Caught up on everything I have missed 

Get Project T

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